Lake Elsinore, California
Lake Elsinore famous for having the largest natural fresh water lake in southern California
Helpful things to know about Lake Elsinore.
Provided by Mastercare Restoration
(877) 888-8853
In case of Fire
If you have a fire call 911. Lake Elsinore is protected by three Riverside County Fire stations (#85, #94, and #97) and one CALFIRE station (#10). The Non-emergency number for station #10 is (951) 674-2161
If you have a Flood
Helping You restore your Lake Elsinore home
Call (877) 888-8853 today
Lake Elsinore average high temperatures are 99 F in August and the average low temperature of 36 F in January. With all the warm temperatures in area there still can be a risk of flooding other than just a broken pipe. Flooding in the home can be dealt with however.
Other area facts:
Highest recorded temperature in August was 118 F
The record of 5.08 inches of rain fell on Feb. 14, 2019 causing floods.
The maximum depth of Lake Elsinore is 42 feet
The average age of homes are around 34 ½ years
We are a family owned business. That means we are people that care about your peace of mind.
Aviod Trouble
Mastercare Restoration helps you Avoid trouble areas of flood damage
Fix Stuff
Mastercare Restoration can fix your house when it is damaged
Because we are a licensed contractor you will love what we can do for your home
What can I do?
Who can I talk to?
Always know where the shut offs are for gas, water and power are. Also keep the emergency numbers for the companies or entities that are in charge of water, power, gas, and sewer so they can be contacted if they need to address your problem.
In an emergency or fire call 911 immediately
Quickly get everyone out of the house if it is on fire
After emergency measures call (877) 888-8853
Shut off the water
Shut off electricity to home
Lake Elsinore Resources
Unique Features
The City of Lake Elsinore has developed over 120 acres for 19 area parks and 5 community centers. Parks with the most activities are Canyon Hills Community Park and Rosetta Canyon Sports Park.
Other than activities that revolve around the Lake itself, a favorite area activity is skydiving. From the airport skydivers are taken high above and then land in a safe area.
No Lake Elsinore job too big or small.
There are large mansions and even a castle in Lake Elsinore. If you have a fire or flood if it is at Aimee’s Castle or a small condo no job is to small or big for Mastercare Restoration. Contact us and we will be there to help you out.