Perris, California

This city is famous for Lake Perris which is an artificial lake recognised as a State park that was compleated in 1973.

Helpful things to know about Perris.

Provided by Mastercare Restoration
(877) 888-8853

In case of Fire

If you have a fire call 911. The CIty of Perris is protected by Riverside County Fire Department. Firestations #1, #9, #59, #90, and #101 are in Perris. The non-emergency number for station #1 is (951) 940-6970.

If you have a Flood

Turn off your water where it connects to the house. It is not recomended that you turn of the water at the meter as that should be owned by City of Perris Public Works. They can be reached at (951) 940-4036.

Help in Perris to restore your home

Call (877) 888-8853 today

The average low temperature in December is 35 Degrees F. in Perris California and the average high temperature in the hottest month of August is 98 Degrees F. Perris California is considered to be in an area that has many homes in extreme wildfire risk area.

To possibly reduce risk:

Remove trees, tall plants and dry brush near home

Create a defensible barrier around your home

Replace wood exterior with tile and plaster

Choose fire-retardant plant species for landscaping

Fix Stuff

Mastercare Restoration can fix your house when it is damaged


We are a family owned business. That means we are people that care about your peace of mind.

Aviod Trouble

Mastercare Restoration helps you Avoid trouble areas of flood damage.


Because we are a licensed contractor you will love what we can do for your home.

What can I do? Who can I talk to?

Prepare in advance for emergencies. Know where the following are and communicate it to everyone in the home: The electrical shut off should be with the outside meter and fuse box. The gas shut off should be in line with the gas meter. The water shut off should be between the meter and the house.
For fire or emergency call 911

Emergency responders are trained for just that emergencies. When civilians try to put fires out injuries happen.

If on fire evacuate people from the house immediately.
If the fire reaches something very flammable or explosive the fire could easily overtake people in the home. No possession is worth a life.
Shut off your water if there is a leak
You may not be able to remove the water yourself but the sooner you turn it off the less water should continue to leak.
Contact us at (877) 888-8853
Mastercare Restoration will respond immediately when you call us. We will come out and help you resolve your fire or flood problem with minimum cost to you.
Turn off the power to your home.
If there is flooding or the possibility of exposed wiring, it is a good idea to turn off the electricity to the home to decrease the risk of injury or more damage occurring.

Perris Resources

Sculpture collection American Indian

Unique Features

Ya’i Heki’ Regional Indian Museum
in Perris California the meaning when translated from the indigenous Cahuilla language is: Home of the Wind. Perris has average wind speeds of more than 5.7 miles per hour which can greatly increase the risk of wildfires.

Aerial lake perris


There are several parks in Perris California. The most notable is Perris Lake State Recreation Area. It is part of the California State Water Project. Powered and non-powered watercraft vessels are allowed.

Hot air balloning


Hot-air ballooning is an activity where air is heated up with fire creating expanded thinner air which is lighter than the surrounding air causing the balloon to lift more than its own weight. The balloon is constructed is such a way that it will not burn or tear during this process.

In Perris no job is too big or small.

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